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Hands-on with all 3D Animals in Google |خدمة مقدمه من جوجل

Things you will need

  • An Android smartphone running Android 7.0 or higher / iPhone running iOS 11 or later
  • Google Chrome for Android/iOS
The full list of 3D Animals within Google Search has grown substantially since launch, with more being added steadily since the announcement at last years I/O. Searching for any of the following animals will give you the option to bring them 

into your home in high-resolution 3D:

فيديو شرح 

That list would likely be more than enough to fill a small zoo, and all of the animals even include realistic grunts, groans, and growls to really increase that immersion — and entertainment level. If you’re wanting to keep yourself or your kids occupied, it’s as easy as opening Google Chrome on your smartphone and searching for any of the AR animals above. You don’t even have to view them in AR, you can see each animal in 3D within your Google Search page too.
Let us know your favorite 3D animal down in the comments section below


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